The Internal Challenge

Let's work together. 

Part business, part creative, part technology. One hundred percent digital. 

Deloitte Digital is waiting for your innovative ideas!

The world changes and innovations are shaping it. These innovations significantly transform our world, society and our companies... Take part in the revolution because your internal idea might be a part of the future

Submit your idea and get the chance not only to win great rewards... but also to come to Berlin and pitch your project to top CEOs and directors.

You can present your mind-blowing ideas in the field of ProptechSmart City or Blockchain – in short: everything that revolutionizes the digital transformation of a company. 

Ideas for Inspiration


 What can be enhanced in our internal communication?


How can we efficiently bring employees together in our network?


Which new services could be used to improve the needs of employees?

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  • 2
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Meet business leaders and market leading brands and quickly validate your concept through their feedbacks.


Connect with some of the world leaders within the Deloitte portfolio!


Pitch in front of the top management and enjoy a privileged time to share with the group's decision makers!


Grand Finale in Berlin

On the agenda – pitches from finalists, award ceremony and celebrations will take place at Deloitte Digital headquarters!

Participate now!